calf loss

Calf Alive Research Update – Mount Isa

Calf Alive research update Join Australian specialists and researchers as they discuss the progress of the Calf Alive project which aims to reduce calf wastage across northern Australia.…

Calf ALIVE — Hughenden

Calf ALIVE A north Australian symposium on the causes of calf loss and what can be done to minimise them. Calf loss in beef breeding herds is a…

Calf Loss Forum — McKinlay

Calf Loss Forum (PDF, 782 KB) Hear from industry experts at the Calf Loss Forum regarding the latest research and practical prevention strategies to reduce calf wastage. Topics…

Data paints a clearer picture of calf losses

More data is the key to help identify production losses that cost Queensland graziers millions of dollars each year, according to Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) Beef…

What is causing calf loss?

Calf loss has huge financial impacts on beef producers across northern Australia, reducing productivity and profitability of most breeding herds. To understand the causes of calf loss in…