Drought and challenging times are a reality for primary producers. Department of Primary Industries, Rural Solutions Queensland, Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority and Southern Queensland Landscapes invite…
Stanthorpe (1 February) | 9am – 4pm | Click here to register Wanting expert advice and your questions answered? Join Jed Sommerfield, Extension Officer from the Department of…
St George (11 February) | 9am – 4pm | Click here to register Wanting expert advice and your questions answered? Join Jed Sommerfield, Extension Officer from the Department…
If you are a land owner who is confused about whether you could and should delve into the carbon market, be assured, you are not alone. Grazing Scientist…
Drought and hard times are a reality for primary producers. Southern Queensland Landscapes, Rural Solutions Queensland, TRACC and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries invite you to join…
We hope you enjoy these pics of the Queensland Pasture Resilience team out and about doing their thing — spreading the good news at workshops, field days and doing lots of field work!
BredWell FedWell (BWFW) is a practical, one-day introductory workshop on how productivity and profitability can be improved through good breeding and feeding over the livestock production cycle, with…
Join the DAF beef extension team for information on: Economics on establishing legumes What’s growing well in the Bowen region Local knowledge on successful establishment and varieties Research…
Register online via https://www.trybooking.com/CNATV Pasture dieback has been affecting Queensland pastures for 7+ years. Join us to learn more about: How to identify pasture dieback from other…
Join Wombat Creative and Maranoa Regional Council for an interactive and engaging workshop that will cover: Common types of grants What funding bodies are looking for Reality checking…