Grazing management: Case studies



The following year after Kevin and Shelly Taylor purchased Ooralat, near Mt Surprise, Far North Queensland, it was drought declared and the importance of a good management strategy…

“Fencing off the river frontage and solar pumping water to tanks on our hill means our breeders no longer have to traverse the long steep bank down to…

Drew and Annie Hacon run up to 2000 head on Cubbaroo. During the 2019 flood, parts of Cubbaroo suffered severe erosion. Of particular concern was a large channel that had formed from a well‐worn cattle pad. Here is how Drew and Annie have remediated the site.

The Price family have implemented phosphorus supplementation, vaccination, parasite management, control mating and objective bull selection on Greenlake Station, Rossmoya. The Price family purchased Greenlake Station north of…

During the dry conditions of 2019, Lyndavale and Mount Ebenezer station owners Ross and Joanne Stanes opened up previously ungrazed areas and installed many watering points.  Located 260…

Documenting some of the changes made by landholders is a component of the GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience program. The case studies below describe the outcomes of the changed…

Harry and Alys McKeough of Carey Downs Station, in the Upper Gascoyne region of Western Australia, had their suspicions confirmed that their cattle were deficient in phosphorus after…

In this short case study Senior Extension Officer Megan Willis captures how DAF extension worked alongside Goscelyn and Denton Sullivan to create a custom designed recording template to…

Russell and Donna Lethbridge of Werrington Station has shown that operating a grazing system that mitigates the risk of climate variability does not need to be complex, however…