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Grazing BMP accelerated workshop – Biggenden

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Start: Tuesday 30 April 2019 @ 8:00am
End: Wednesday 1 May 2019 @ 4:30pm
Cost: Free
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Venue Biggenden Memorial Hall
Victoria and Frederick Streets
Biggenden, Qld 4621 Australia
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Grazing Best Management Practices (BMP) is a voluntary industry-led tool assisting graziers to identify changes that can improve long-term profitability, productivity and sustainability. In this two day accelerated workshop five modules based on topics key to any beef production enterprise are discussed.

The modules in the Grazing BMP accelerated workshop include:

Animal health and welfare

High standards of animal health and welfare are crucial to the profitability and sustainability of your cattle business, industry reputation and market access. Topics include:

  • animal welfare
  • biosecurity
  • extreme weather events and risks
  • livestock health management
  • livestock transport

Animal production

Identify the capabilities and potential that your grazing land has to determine optimal growth and production levels. Topics include:

  • nutrition
  • genetics
  • weaning and weaner management
  • managing reproduction
  • land capability and condition
  • markets and marketing

Grazing land management

Identifies considerations for managing forage, stocking rate and stocking capability of your land. Maximising pasture growth, composition and animal production. Topics include:

  • maps and property information
  • land capability and condition
  • managing resources
  • managing the grazing pressure
  • improved pastures and forage crops
  • weeds and pest animals

People and business

Considers your current strategies for health and safety, managing employees and contractors, business planning, administration and can assist with planning, developing and implementing new strategies. Topics include:

  • business knowledge and skills
  • business planning
  • chemical use and records
  • human resources
  • workplace health and safety

Soil health

Healthy soils allow the landscape to consistently produce the best pastures possible of that soil type. This module assists graziers to assess the practices that influence soil health including:

  • infiltration
  • soil stability
  • nutrient cycling

The standards within these five modules have been tested and verified by a producer reference group, industry bodies and are based on the best available science.

What’s in it for you?

By participating in Grazing BMP you can:

  • benchmark you practices against industry set standards
  • identify opportunities and develop a plan to improve your business performance
  • access information, learning opportunities and support
  • allows industry to identify knowledge gaps to plan extension on a local, regional and state-wide scale

Reserve your seat

To reserve your seat at this free event, contact Dominique Glasgow, Burnett Mary Regional Group on 07 4169 0720, or by email: dominique.glasgow@bmrg.org.au or Megan Gurnett, DAF, on 0475 973 221, or by email: megan.gurnett@daf.qld.gov.au.