


Key messages: Seek professional advice in both the diagnosis and correction of deficiencies. Determine the benefits and costs in your situation. Both deficiencies and excess can cause problems.…

Hay and silage quality is impacted greatly by stage of maturity. As forage crops mature fibre increases while digestibility and crude protein decreases. A basic nutrient analysis will…

Information on energy requirements of beef cattle and how to correct energy shortfalls can be obtained from attending a Nutrition EDGE workshop.

When deciding on a supplement strategy, it is important to determine the cost of the supplement in relation to the nutrient you require. In some cases, the supplement…

Key messages Typically, if cattle have reduced growth during the dry season because of low quality and low availability of pasture, then during the following wet season, or…

An explanation of what Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS), specifically Faecal Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (F.NIRS), is and how you can use it to assess the diet quality of the pasture your cattle are eating.

Rules of thumb for estimating the water requirements of different classes and breeds of beef cattle, feed type, impacts of water quality and water sampling.

On this page: The need for protein supplements Role of protein supplements Urea and cattle Effective urea supplementation Types of urea supplements Summary The need for protein supplements…

When buying cattle and sheep feed it is often difficult to understand the information on the label attached to the product – here is a brief explanation.

To carry out a cost-effective supplement feeding program there are five key things to determine first: What level of performance is required from the targeted group? Is it: a. maintenance or…