Grazing management: Projects



The Refining stocking densities project investigated the effects of stocking density on the welfare outcomes of cattle and sheep during sea transport. Summary This research project was undertaken…

The Northern Grazing Systems projects investigated grazing management in the presence of climate change, exploring issues like stocking rates, grazing distribution, infrastructure development, wet season spelling and the…

The HRM and cell grazing: a review of the evidence base project examined comparisons of stocking methods including continuous grazing and intensive rotational methods described as Cell Grazing…

The Pigeon Hole Project, located in the Victoria River District of the Northern Territory, was initiated to identify strategies to improve the profitability and sustainability of large cattle…

The Phone app for pasture management – overview of development project built on the findings of the preliminary investigation to develop a smart phone grazing land management application…

The Phone app for pasture management – preliminary investigation into the development of an electronic forage budget and land condition application, for use on existing hand-held devices, for…

The ‘Accelerating the use of grazing land management tools’ project aims to increase the uptake of decision support tools like FORAGE to assist property managers with their grazing land management decisions.

The Wambiana grazing trial started in 1997 and continues today to test and develop sustainable and profitable strategies to manage for rainfall variability in extensive grazing lands.