Grazing management: Projects



Quality Graze is a grazing strategies trial being run on the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade’s Old Man Plains Research Station (OMP), located to the south-west of…

The QGRAZE project was designed to objectively monitor at-risk landscapes using a common methodology over a 30 year period. It was initiated in 1989 across Queensland under the…

Central Australian Self Herding (CASH) is a five year project being rolled out across the region. It is a collaboration between Bruce Maynard, a passionate farmer and co-developer…

  Many breeder paddocks in northern Australia are too big and under-watered to achieve optimum productivity. In the Barkly Tableland region, for example, average paddock area is 218…

Uneven use of the landscape has long been a concern for producers in the extensively managed beef production systems of northern Australia. Historically, the solution to this problem…

Breeders need the right nutrition to perform well. Is there a sweet spot of pasture utilisation that will sustainably increase breeder productivity in northern Australia? Methods There is an…

The Understanding producers’ change to more sustainable grazing practices in the tropical savanna rangelands of North Queensland project sought to understand factors and processes that influence beef producers’…

The Sustainable development of Victoria River District (VRD) grazing lands project investigated the potential for pastoral intensification in the Victoria River District (VRD) of the Northern Territory to increase…

The Spelling strategies for recovery of pasture condition project aimed to develop reliable and cost-effective spelling options for producers. Reduced condition of pasture and soil, through decline in density…

The $avannaPlan project sought to engage more of the Northern Gulf beef industry in the $avannaPlan program to help beef producers run profitable and sustainable enterprises. Summary $avannaPlan…