What’s new

Clermont Cattlemen’s Challenge 2023

The 2023 Clermont Cattlemen’s Challenge ended recently with the Clermont Cattle King and Queen announced at the Clermont Show Grazier’s Lunch and Presentations. This year, the title was…

Mealybugs and viruses at pasture dieback trial

More than 30 people attended the unique pasture dieback trial located on a commercial property near Boonah in June. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) Principal Pasture Agronomist,…

Accurate starting yield is key to forage budgeting

Attendees of recent Stocktake workshops were astonished to learn the benefits of conducting multiple pasture cuts when estimating starting yield for forage budgeting purposes. Why it’s important to…

Breeding EDGE key takeaways

The MLA Breeding EDGE workshop is a content-packed three-day workshop hosted by knowledgeable industry professionals. There are several key takeaways from the workshop which can be used by…

Burdekin grazing update

May 2023   In this edition: A drink, a feed and a decent rest  |  Clermont cattlemen’s challenge update  |  Northern Grassfed Carcass Competition is on again  | …

DDRF Field day recap

Around 55 producers, industry representatives, NTG researchers and extension staff came together on the 4th of April at Douglas Daly Research Farm (DDRF) for a field day centred around sustainability, integration of mixed farming in the northern beef industry, and to hear research updates.

This feral piggy went home… but where is home?

A recent study published in Wildlife Research by authors Cameron Wilson and Matthew Gentle of the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), and Darren Marshall from Southern…