Articles and factsheets



Key messages: Critical mating weight (CMW) is the minimum weight at which heifers should be mated to ensure they have the greatest chance of cycling when they are…

Find out about cross breeding cattle, combining the attributes of two or more breeds, rotational crossbreeding, composite breeds and other information.

In beef production, the principle objectives are: weight of beef sold per cow mated or per unit area of grazing land quality of beef sold per cow mated…

Find out about beef cattle breeding and genetics: how to improve the genetics of your herd, selecting and managing bulls, breeders and heifers, useful tools, etc.

Identifying breeding objectives is fundamental to planned cattle breeding. So who sets breeding objectives? If we are honest with ourselves we will answer ‘I do’. Breeding objectives are…

To view the description for a specific land type within the South east, click on the land type below: Coastal grass, sedge and herb swamp Coastal riverine wetland…

To view the description for a specific land type within the Mary region of Queensland, click on the land type below: Coastal grass, sedge and herb swamp Coastal…

To view the description for a specific land type within the Moreton region of Queensland, click on the land type or plant index below: All Moreton region land…

Grazing land management land type descriptions and plant index for the coastal Burnett region of Queensland.

Grazing land management land type descriptions and plant index for the inland Burnett region of Queensland.