Managing tropical pasture seed

When planting pasture seeds, there are two critical aspects to consider for long term success:
1. Select the right grasses and legumes for your rainfall, land type and grazing strategy.
2. Purchase high quality seeds and manage them correctly to optimise establishment.

Seed purchase and storage checklist:
❑ Buy good quality seed based on recent test results
❑ Store in a cool, dry place (air conditioned preferable) away from direct sunlight and hot walls
❑ Protect from pests and vermin
❑ Do your own germination test to check seed viability before sowing
❑ Use seed within 12 months of storage for legumes and 6 months of storage for grasses
❑ If you cannot sow the seeds, get them into suitable storage as soon as possible

Read more about purchasing and storing pasture seeds in this factsheet.

Managing Pasture Seed factsheet