Leucaena-based pastures offer one of the most productive feed-base options for northern beef producers where rainfall and soils are suitable. The Accelerating uptake of leucaena-based pastures project aimed…

The Rhizobia survival and new methods to improve nodulation in tropical legumes project looked at ways to better establish rhizobia for pasture legumes. Summary The Review of productivity…

Pasture dieback only affects tropical and sub-tropical grasses, causing premature death and unthrifty growth. Pastures in eastern Queensland are affected, specifically north and Central Queensland, Wide Bay Burnett and south-east Queensland. Dieback in tropical grass-pastures was confirmed in north-east New South Wales in early 2020.

Find out your options to increase nitrogen inputs in your sown pastures, specifically applying nitrogen fertiliser or adding a legume.

Fire is a tool graziers can use to manage animal production and land condition. Like any tool it can be used or abused. Fire can be successfully used…

The Review of productivity decline in sown grass pastures project looked at the use of legumes to improve degraded pastures and made recommendations about targeting research, development and…

The beef industry is a major contributor to the wealth of the Burnett region and this valuable industry relies on productive pastures. This booklet aims to help land…

Legumes have been shown to significantly increase production and returns compared to grass only pastures, however successful adoption of legumes remains low in the Brigalow Belt. There are…

Renewed interest in the role of native legumes in cattle production has been prompted by an increased awareness of the different species in native pastures. Information on the…

Is your buffel grass is not growing as big and bulky as it used to? Or is it pale green or yellow instead of being dark green? Find out why here…

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