This book is based on findings fromĀ a three year project investigating soil carbon levels in pastures under different management systems in south east New South Wales. It is…

Pasture dieback is a condition that causes the premature death of high yielding tropical and sub-tropical grasses. Improved (or sown) grass species are mainly affected however some native…

Mark and Carolyn Redgen run a 1200 ha breeding and weaner turnoff operation south of Roma. As conservative stockers, the Redgens have always focused on sustainable management practices. In this light, the Redgens decided to explore early weaning as a management tool during ongoing drought conditions. In this case study, the Redgens share what they learnt.

The beef industry is a major contributor to the wealth of the Burnett region and this valuable industry relies on productive pastures. This booklet aims to help land…

Buffel grass is a valued pasture species for livestock in Central Australia. Typically, it occurs with native grasses and is capable of producing large amounts of palatable, nutritious…

Whole farm economic analyses have shown that perennial legumes are a profitable intervention for many areas of northern Australia. In particular, analyses for central Queensland have shown that…

The High-output forage systems for meeting beef markets: Phase 2 project built on findings from Phase 1 to investigate the relative profitability of six forage options for backgrounding…

The Increasing productivity and reducing methane emissions by supplementing feed with dietary lipids project investigated the impact of lipid containing feed additives on the suppression of methane emissions…

Rain waiter or decision maker? Managing Mitchell grass during drought provides the latest guidelines to managing Mitchell grass pastures for productivity and sustainability during drought. Scientific research has…

Information on energy requirements of beef cattle and how to correct energy shortfalls can be obtained from attending a Nutrition EDGE workshop.

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