Australia’s woodlands are by their very nature unstable. In the absence of disturbance, a woodland will tend to thicken. The trees will increase in size until either competition…

Grazing trials have shown the impact of stocking rate (SR) to be variable in terms of profitability and sustainability. The impact of management on land condition, both positive…

Our native grasses still provide the most significant portion of grazing for beef and sheep in northern Australia. So it is worth getting to know something more about…

Annual grasses like button and flinders grass come and go. But perennials like desert bluegrass (Bothriochloa ewartiana) are there for years, producing forage in even the worst seasons.…

On this page: The need for protein supplements Role of protein supplements Urea and cattle Effective urea supplementation Types of urea supplements Summary The need for protein supplements…

Key messages: Critical mating weight (CMW) is the minimum weight at which heifers should be mated to ensure they have the greatest chance of cycling when they are…

To view the description for a specific land type within the Mackay Whitsunday region of Queensland, click on the land type or plant index below: All Mackay Whitsunday…

Project RRRD.024 Final Report for the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country Reef Rescue Water Quality Research and Development Program. This project investigated the potential to mechanically rehabilitate…

Project RRRD.024 Final Report for the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country Reef Rescue Water Quality Research and Development Program. This project investigated the potential to mechanically rehabilitate…

Project RRRD.024 Final Report for the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country Reef Rescue Water Quality Research and Development Program. This project investigated the potential to mechanically rehabilitate…

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