Livestock properties occupy almost 50% of the Australian continent. They have potential to store large amounts of carbon in vegetation and soil as well as supporting unique biodiversity…

Some of the important grasses found in the Kimberley that are often discussed include Mitchell grasses (Astrebla spp.), black spear grass (Heteropogon contortus), ribbon grass (Chrysopogon fallax), three-awn…

The project  |  Key messages Multimedia |  Spreadsheet tools  |  Case studies and articles Scientific journal publications  |  Further information   Reports            …

The Grazing Land Management (GLM) land type mapping is the spatial representation of Land types of Queensland as described by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF).…

Northern Western Australia is a vast region widely recognised for its spectacular landscapes and unique ecosystems with high environmental, economic, social and cultural values. The WA rangelands are…

Uneven use of the landscape has long been a concern for producers in the extensively managed beef production systems of northern Australia. Historically, the solution to this problem…

Phosphorus deficiency is a major problem for grazing cattle in much of northern Australia because of the low soil phosphorus levels in many soils. Whilst phosphorus is important in all bodily processes, the major impact of phosphorus deficiency in cattle is a significant reduction in appetite. This results in lower pasture intake and consequently lower energy and protein intake.

Much of northern Australia is phosphorus (P) deficient (Picture 1), but supplement sales figures and beef research/extension officers tell us that the majority of properties in deficient areas…

‘Pasture dieback: past activities and current situation across Queensland (2017)’ describes the current situation of pasture dieback across Queensland, specifically areas, locations and grass species impacted, climate, geographical…

Managers of the five grazing properties that cover Torilla Plain in central Queensland have developed productive and resilient enterprises for breeding and fattening of cattle. Wise use of…

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