Drew and Annie Hacon run up to 2000 head on Cubbaroo. During the 2019 flood, parts of Cubbaroo suffered severe erosion. Of particular concern was a large channel that had formed from a well‐worn cattle pad. Here is how Drew and Annie have remediated the site.

The leaves, pods and seeds of the leucaena fodder tree all contain the toxic amino acid mimosine, which many rumen bacteria can break down to the toxic compound,…

Giant rat’s tail grass (Sporobolus natalensis and S. pyramidalis) is part of the group of weedy Sporobolus grasses that also includes American rat’s tail grass (S. jacquemontii), Giant…

Stylos are a highly variable group of legumes of the genus Stylosanthes. Known for their nitrogen fixing abilities and high nutrient quality, they are highly valued in grazed…

What starts as a patch of discoloured grass, may progress rapidly to plant death, followed by hectares of nothing but unpalatable broadleaf weeds where productive pastures once stood.…

The GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience program funds many smaller projects, events and professional development opportunities, and technology showcases. Advancing Beef Leaders The Advancing Beef Leaders (ABL) program is…

Wet season spelling is when grazing pressure is removed from a pasture during the growing period. Ben Bennetto, north Queensland grazier, shares the benefits he has seen to…

The evolution of the Animal Equivalent (AE) system in Australia is progressing to a new approach in comparing animals of different weights, classes and species with a fit-for-purpose…

Quality Graze is a grazing strategies trial being run on the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade’s Old Man Plains Research Station (OMP), located to the south-west of…

This series of Resilience strategies for small landholders recorded webinars is focused on supporting small landholders during times of drought and the subsequent recovery processes. This is part…

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