Sown pastures can offer flexibility in your beef enterprise and can provide solutions for land degradation problems but you need to carefully consider the benefits and be aware…
The Use of fertiliser phosphorus for increased productivity of legume-based sown pastures in the Brigalow Belt region – a review project investigated responses by pasture legumes to phosphorus…
This page addresses some of the questions from producers about organic matter, soil organic carbon, the impacts of cropping on soil carbon, and the potential to sequester carbon…
The Legume Best Management Practice in the Brigalow Belt (Legume BMP) project was targeted at improving the productivity, profitability and sustainability of beef enterprises through reliable and successful…
In 1995, near Wandoan, Queensland, two pasture paddocks were sown side-by-side: one sown with buffel grass and desmanthus legume and the other sown with buffel grass only. Pasture…
Download this as a print-ready factsheet. Are you growing enough quality pasture? The Queensland Pasture Resilience Program (QPRP) can help you answer this question and provide the tools…
Adequately fertilised and well-managed sown pastures have the potential to at least double animal weight gains per head and stocking rates per hectare, compared to run-down naturalised and…
Rapid, widespread dominance of exotic, stoloniferous, perennial grass Indian couch (Bothriochloa pertusa) is occurring in Queensland pastures, with reports also for the Northern Territory. This transformation is not…
There are a number of tropical legumes suited for planting on the more fertile, heavier clay soils, providing high quality forage. These soils, which have more water holding…
Beef grazing on native pastures is the key land use in the seasonally dry zone of north Queensland but animal productivity is limited by poor feed supply during…