This booklet will help you better understand the nutrient value of your pastures and to place a dollar value on all the nutritional inputs required to meet your production targets. You…

The ‘Lifting leucaena adoption in North Queensland’ project uses a producer demonstration site (PDS) to investigate establishing and managing leucaena and its impact on livestock production.

The ‘Assessing productivity gains for cattle grazing “Redlands” (R12) leucaena in northern Queensland’ project will investigate the performance of weaners grazing the new psyllid resistant leucaena variety ‘Redlands’ relative to an existing commercial leucaena variety (Wondergraze).

The Wambiana grazing trial started in 1997 and continues today to test and develop sustainable and profitable strategies to manage for rainfall variability in extensive grazing lands.

The ‘Genotyping and phenotyping for accelerated genetic improvement in northern Australia’ project aims to increase the accuracy of genetically describing the reproductive merit of northern breeding cattle.

A brief explanation of the differences between ‘selling’ and ‘marketing’ cattle, and the main steps involved in marketing cattle.

Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Desert Uplands, including: alluvial; black speargrass; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; eucalypt woodlands; eucalyptus box and stylo; eucalyptus box; Indian couch; lancewood, bendee, rosewood and spotted gum, etc.

Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Einsleigh Uplands and Wet Tropics region of Queensland, including: alluvial; basalt; black speargrass; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; eucalypt woodlands; eucalyptus box and stylo; etc.

Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Gulf Plains, including: alluvial; basalt; black speargrass; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; eucalypt woodlands; eucalyptus box and stylo; eucalyptus box; Indian couch; lancewood, bendee, rosewood and spotted gum; etc.

Key messages: Seek professional advice in both the diagnosis and correction of deficiencies. Determine the benefits and costs in your situation. Both deficiencies and excess can cause problems.…

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