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The effect of oestradiol and trenbolone acetate combination implants on beef eating quality project investigated the impact of two different hormonal growth promotants (HGPs) on the eating quality…
The Nutrition EDGE material finalisation project reorganized the Nutrition EDGE workshop material into seven modules, incorporated material from the technical module and updated the workshop notes and slides…
The Conserving Leucaena ssp. germplasm collection project aimed to import unique Leucaena germplasm from University of Hawaii and collect seed to provide long term benefit to the Australian…
The Potential for rangeland grassfed assurance programs in Western Australia project aimed to: conduct a desktop review of existing global grassfed certification programs; undertake modelling to determine the…
The Weather station review update project built upon the findings of the Weather station review project and conducted a review of automatic weather stations (AWS) that can measure…
The National wild dog action plan project developed a monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) framework to deal with the problem of wild dogs. Summary The monitoring, evaluation and…
For cattle in a feedlot their risk of heat stress changes from day to day. The Daily heat load monitoring tool project aimed to: develop and test a…
Managers of the five grazing properties that cover Torilla Plain in central Queensland have developed productive and resilient enterprises for breeding and fattening of cattle. Wise use of…
Broadmeadows is a viable commercial and stud cattle business co-existing with waterbirds and wildlife that regularly nest in the wetland on the Nankin Creek floodplain. The Nankin Creek…
The Implementation of Producer Demonstration Sites to increase research adoption and practice change in the Northern Territory project conducted demonstrations on four locations across the NT; Lakefield and…