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This Meat & Livestock Australia factsheet details what Bovine Respiratory Disease is and how it can be prevented and controlled to increase feedlot productivity and animal welfare (PDF, 343KB).
This third edition of cattle yards is a how-to guide for locating, planning and building cattle yards. It covers every aspect of building yards and includes more than 80 diagrams explaining construction and 21 plans for cattle yards.
This factsheet summarises the key steps landowners can take to maximise the benefits of using fire to manage and control woody weeds in the Gulf region of north Queensland.
The aim of this guide is to help landholders and advisors identify the risk factors and deal proactively and more effectively with the incidence of pimelea. It includes several producer case studies from across Australia.
Producer case studies of managing flood damaged buffel pastures from ‘Mellaluka’, ‘Lignum’ and ‘Alinya’ on the Belyando River, Queensland.
The main areas of floodplains in the Top End of the Northern Territory are in the Sub-coastal Plain, Marrakai, Finniss and Littoral Land Systems. This factsheet summarises: the soils and vegetation, grazing potential and grazing plants, grazing history and grazing management for sustainability for these floodplains.
‘Female selection in beef cattle’ provides a practical overview to help you to understand the basics of female selection and management, better understand the relative contribution of female selection to the overall herd, and improve your skills in female selection and management.
This booklet presents photographic guides and written descriptions of the quality (feed value) and quantity (yield, as kilograms of dry matter per hectare) of the major pasture types within the floodplains of the Channel Country.
This Meat & Livestock Australia factsheet outlines the benefits of using molasses for feed, including the competitive cost, its composition and using surfactants to reduce viscosity.
‘Enhancing input to the CQSS2’ a joint project Fitzroy Basin Association-Queensland Primary Industries and Fisheries was formed under the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality and the Natural Heritage Trust extension. This report has three sections: key stakeholder grazing knowledge; economics of land regeneration, and; grazing and sediment trade-offs.