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The Improving fertility to artificial insemination in Bos indicus cattle project investigated the effect of concentrations of progesterone and antral follicle counts before artificial insemination (AI) on pregnancy outcomes to AI…
The Impact of infectious diseases on beef cattle reproduction project looked at the impact of bovine pestivirus and Neospora caninum on beef production in Australia. To learn more…
The Ideal markers for tropically adapted cattle – proof of concept: functional mutations for bull fertility project identified functional mutations via a combination of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and sequenced…
The GonaCon™ trial in heifers investigated the immunocontraceptive vaccine GonaCon and its use in northern Australian cattle. For more information about this trial, please read the final report summary and…
The Genome-wide association study of tropical composite bulls for reproduction traits project calculated SNP effects in a population of tropical composite bulls with deep phenotypes for a range of…
The Genetic technologies to reduce methane emissions from Australian beef cattle project delivered tools and knowledge to assist producers to breed productive, lower emissions cattle, using validated methodologies that…
A genetic approach to internal parasite control in Australian cattle examined the heritability of resistance to internal parasites in cattle and developed preliminary estimated breeding values (EBVs). For…
The Gene discovery for post partum reconception and age at puberty in tropically adapted beef cattle project developed and validated genetic tests for improved post partum reconception and…
The Epigenetics in the red meat industry project looked at epigenetics and its potential application in cattle and sheep industries in Australia. For more information please read the final report summary and…
The ‘Early predictors of lifetime female reproductive performance’ project sought to identify early-in-life indicator traits that could be used in selection to improve lifetime reproduction rates.