The GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience program funds many events across Queensland. Previous events have included business analysis workshops, herd nutrition days, networking and upskilling breakfasts, land restoration showcases…

FutureBeef is an ally for the north Australian beef industry, sharing the latest practical tools, scientific insights, and relevant, timely advice. This helps producers, pastoralists, graziers, livestock owners…

Quality Graze is a grazing strategies trial being run on the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade’s Old Man Plains Research Station (OMP), located to the south-west of…

This is part two of this webinar series – Making profitable management decisions after the dry. This webinar recording aims at providing beef producers a ‘first look’ at…

This series of recorded webinars is focused on supporting small landholders during times of drought and the subsequent recovery processes. This is part 3 of a 5-part webinar…

The project  |  Key messages Multimedia |  Spreadsheet tools  |  Case studies and articles Scientific journal publications  |  Further information   Reports            …

This is the final recorded presentation demonstrating how to assess management options when recovering from drought. In this presentation, Fred Chudleigh (Agricultural Economist, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)…

This is the first of two recorded presentations, demonstrating how to assess management options when recovering from drought. In this presentation, Fred Chudleigh (Agricultural Economist, Department of Agriculture…

This is the last of seven recorded presentations, demonstrating how to assess management options in response to drought. In this presentation, Fred Chudleigh (Agricultural Economist, Department of Agriculture…

This is the sixth of seven recorded presentations, demonstrating how to assess management options in response to drought. In this presentation, Fred Chudleigh (Agricultural Economist, Department of Agriculture…

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