Detection of maternal behaviours associated with suckling in beef cattle The ‘uSuckled’ project is investigating the ability to remotely monitor suckling events using devices (such as accelerometers, sound…

Trial Overview Surgical husbandry procedures such as castration and dehorning on beef cattle is sometimes necessary. Practically and effectively managing animal welfare and pain associated with these procedures…

Key findings Cows with bottle teats immediately after calving are a major cause of calf loss in an extensively managed Northern Territory beef herd. Udders of the cows…

Key points Phosphorus deficiency increases cattle mortality rates and decreases growth and breeder efficiency, severely impacting the business performance. Economic analyses for example properties in the Fitzroy NRM…

Looking for ideas about how to raise a poddy calf? If you want to end up with a big, healthy calf like the one in this short video,…

Weaning is a well-established practice in northern Australia. The emphasis in this book is two-fold: to describe best management practice for feeding and educating weaners; and to promote…

The Selected Brahman project (Northern Territory) aims to improve fertility rates in Bos indicus cattle by focusing on genetic improvement.

Animal welfare is essential for sustainable and profitable cattle production. Find out more about beef cattle welfare in northern Australia here.

An explanation of what Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS), specifically Faecal Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (F.NIRS), is and how you can use it to assess the diet quality of the pasture your cattle are eating.

Vaccinations are an important part of disease prevention in an animal health program. Read more about key vaccines used in Queensland.

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