


In this short video, Melinee and Rob Leather from Barfield Station, Banana in Queensland discuss how they use mapping technology to strategically locate water points on their property.…

In this short video, Richard and Amy Holcombe share their experiences of growing grass for good ground cover on their property in Moura, Queensland. Visit the Grazing and…

A comprehensive report on the Northern Territory pastoral industry’s practices and plans resulting from data collected from surveys of 127 of the estimated 236 pastoral businesses in the Northern Territory at the time.

Real-life stories of grazing property owners and managers who made the choice to monitor their land so that they could get the most from their work. Monitoring helped them to separate myth from reality – read on…

A summary of the key findings and principles from the Wambiana trial covering 13 years (1997 to 2011), including some key learnings and management guidelines for grazing in a variable climate.

A description of trends in the beef industry in the Monsoonal North that aims to provide the region’s natural resource management groups with an understanding of how best to: support the industry, undertake the changes required to improve its environmental sustainability and economic viability, and to provide it with resilience in the face of increasing development pressures and climate change.

This book captures the main findings from the Pigeon Hole project that was conducted in the Victoria River District of the Northern Territory. It also explores opportunities to improve profitability through intensification.

The main areas of floodplains in the Top End of the Northern Territory are in the Sub-coastal Plain, Marrakai, Finniss and Littoral Land Systems. This factsheet summarises: the soils and vegetation, grazing potential and grazing plants, grazing history and grazing management for sustainability for these floodplains.

Meat & Livestock Australia’s tools and calculators have been developed to assist red meat producers in making decisions in their business.

This land condition photo standards guide was developed for rangelands within the Burdekin Dry Tropics region of Queensland. Download a copy of Land condition photo standards for the…