


Uneven use of the landscape has long been a concern for producers in the extensively managed beef production systems of northern Australia. Historically, the solution to this problem…

Breeders need the right nutrition to perform well. Is there a sweet spot of pasture utilisation that will sustainably increase breeder productivity in northern Australia? Methods There is an…

It’s never too early to plan for the next dry season…so why not start planning now? In this presentation, Kiri Broad (formerly Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Longreach)…

Forage budgeting can help calculate how much feed you have on hand and how many cattle it will carry, for how long. These four short videos step you…

This technical guide is designed to help inform and improve grazing management in the Mitchell grasslands of western Queensland. It focuses on: managing stocking rate, spelling pasture, burning and developing the property with more fences and waters.

The Understanding producers’ change to more sustainable grazing practices in the tropical savanna rangelands of North Queensland project sought to understand factors and processes that influence beef producers’…

The Sustainable development of Victoria River District (VRD) grazing lands project investigated the potential for pastoral intensification in the Victoria River District (VRD) of the Northern Territory to increase…

The Spelling strategies for recovery of pasture condition project aimed to develop reliable and cost-effective spelling options for producers. Reduced condition of pasture and soil, through decline in density…

The $avannaPlan project sought to engage more of the Northern Gulf beef industry in the $avannaPlan program to help beef producers run profitable and sustainable enterprises. Summary $avannaPlan…

The Refining stocking densities project investigated the effects of stocking density on the welfare outcomes of cattle and sheep during sea transport. Summary This research project was undertaken…