An overview of growth and carcase responses from using hormonal growth promotants or HGPs in beef cattle, including Meat Standards Australia grades.

A guide to ageing cattle by their teeth, including a table of average age and the range of ages that teeth erupt for different breeds, photos and diagrams.

Key messages Weaning is important to manage breeder body condition and reproduction. Astute managers start weaning before cows start to lose body condition. The smaller the animal, the…

Dehorning is the removal of the horns from cattle. Read more about the benefits, animal age and condition, hygiene and different methods available.

Many producers believe they can pick when their cattle are affected by worms. This may be so, but there are many other circumstances that cause animals to look…

Key messages Three broad groups of worms: roundworms, flukes and tapeworms Conduct a worm test of young stock about four weeks after grazing commences and again at weaning.…

Find out about beef cattle health: vaccines and vaccination programs, diagnosing disease and deficiencies, diseases of cattle, zoonoses, identifying and treating parasites, feed-related poisoning, nutritional deficiencies, etc.

Feedlotters need a sound knowledge of nutrition to operate a successful feedlot. Financially, it is important to minimise feed costs, yet optimise liveweight gain and maximise feed conversion…

Profitable beef businesses of the future will be those that have already started some years earlier to improve the inherent fertility of their breeder herd through monitoring performance,…

Your breeding objective Before selecting a bull it is important that you have clear breeding objectives set for your herd. The following points should be used as a…

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