Key messages Typically, if cattle have reduced growth during the dry season because of low quality and low availability of pasture, then during the following wet season, or…
Gill and Eunice Campbell run a crossbred cattle and grazing operation across their 13,000-hectare property, ‘Claravale’, west of Mitchell. With a drive for constant improvement, Gill and Eunice attended a Nutrition EDGE workshop, where what they learnt, permanently changed their weaner management practices.
The Options for addressing protein under-nutrition in Northern Australian cattle project investigated the issue of under-nutrition in the northern Australian beef cattle industry. Summary This project was established…
The Nutrition EDGE material finalisation project reorganized the Nutrition EDGE workshop material into seven modules, incorporated material from the technical module and updated the workshop notes and slides…
Key messages: Critical mating weight (CMW) is the minimum weight at which heifers should be mated to ensure they have the greatest chance of cycling when they are…
The ‘Nutrient requirements tables for Nutrition EDGE manuals’ project derived estimates of metabolisable energy and protein requirements, and the relationship between intake and digestibility, for inclusion in a revised version of the northern beef training package, Nutrition EDGE, to bring them into line with the Australian feeding standards.
Beef cattle nutrition including: planning and managing a supplementary feeding program, protein, urea, molasses, minerals, vitamins and costing supplements.
Key messages Cows lactating during the dry season in northern Australia often lose weight as the pasture diet can’t provide enough protein and energy. The loss of body…
This is the fifth and final webinar in the BeefConnect ‘Improving beef business performance across northern Australia’ series. In this webinar, Rob Dixon (Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and…
Calf loss and heifer mortality have been major topics of conversation in the north for years, and frankly, people can talk about it until the cows come home.…