Weaners: Projects



Can pain relief husbandry practices improve animal health and well-being? In alignment with the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework’s objective of achieving 100% utilisation of pain relief for husbandry…

Introduction Phosphorus (P) often restricts beef production in northern Australia. When an animal’s P demand cannot be met either from the diet or by mobilising body reserves, dietary…

The Welfare outcomes of calves of two ages castrated by elastrator rings project investigated the welfare outcomes of calves castrated by either elastrator rings or by surgery under…

The Factors associated with divergent post-weaning liveweight gain in northern Australian beef cattle project, examined factors associated with divergence in post-weaning growth in Bos indicus steers in northern…

The ‘Causal factors affecting liveweight gain in north Australian beef herds’ project measured factors that affect within-herd variation in weight gain in extensive Northern Territory beef herds. The factors included genetics, diseases, parasites, temperament and diet selection. It also analysed historical data sets and pen studies.