Cows and heifers



It wasn’t even smoko time, and already the Wrights were worried. One June morning, the Wrights of Mt Spencer Station, 60 kilometres south-west of Mackay, yarded 570 shiny…

Northern Breeding Business (NB2) is a producer designed and led extension, adoption and research program, aimed at increasing breeding herd performance and reducing calf mortality. The ‘Pathway to…

Too often when the question is asked, ‘How is your beef breeding herd going?’ the response is usually about weaning rates which only partially answers the question. If…

This is part two of this webinar series – Making profitable management decisions after the dry. This webinar recording aims at providing beef producers a ‘first look’ at…

This series of recorded webinars is focused on supporting small landholders during times of drought and the subsequent recovery processes. This is part 5 of a 5-part webinar…

Have you weaned and do your cows look a little light or not quite where you would like them to be? Join Extension Officer, Jed Sommerfield (Department of…

Calculating and monitoring breeder cow mortality rates is essential for maintaining the health of your herd and your business. Find out how in this article.

From the CashCow project, comes this comprehensive yet succinct eight page document, designed to assist producers to identify where productivity issues might lie. Derived from the observations from…

Much of northern Australia is phosphorus (P) deficient (Picture 1), but supplement sales figures and beef research/extension officers tell us that the majority of properties in deficient areas…

The Improved empirical models of cattle growth, reproduction and mortality project from native pastures in northern Australia project reviewed, tested and updated animal production modules of existing grazing…