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Successful scrub feeding is not limited to the more palatable and nutritious species, especially during dry periods. Scrub with a higher fibre content, and lower nutritive value, can…
Protein A urea or vegetable protein meal supplement will supply additional protein to boost appetite and improve performance. Leaves of the more palatable trees, such as mulga, wilga,…
Homebrew lick, a customized supplement for cattle, boasts approximately 35-50% crude protein and has proven effective as a nutritional boost for cattle with access to abundant but low-quality…
Whole cottonseed supplementation is a common practice in beef cattle nutrition, providing a high-energy and protein-rich feedstuff. Cottonseed, a byproduct of the cotton ginning process, offers several nutritional…
Supplementation is a common topic amongst producers, however, how many are aware of the requirements of their herd and the impact of their supplementation programs? In many northern…
This booklet will give you insight into improving cow fertility while reducing cow and calf losses in the North. In mid 2021, Gulf Savannah NRM and Department of…
In this episode we’re exploring a range of options for supplementing stock in the dry season. How should we do it, how should we do it and how…
In this episode we’re exploring a range of options for supplementing with molasses. To take us through the details is Mick Sullivan, a senior beef extension officer with…
Hormonal Growth Promotants (HGPs) are implants that contain naturally occurring hormones to promote growth in cattle. This resource simplifies the need to know information on HGPs and the important considerations before starting an implant program.
A GrazingFutures Case Study “On Watson River we do our P lick order for our cattle before we do our food order for the station.” — Cameron Quartermaine…