Climate and weather



It’s important for graziers to know where to access the most up-to-date and accurate climate-related information. Graziers know that the impact of a La Nina event varies across the…

Many producers are surprised to learn that they have been reading the weather forecast incorrectly. It can lead to misinterpretation, confusion, and disappointment when you do not receive…

Contacts and practical information, including available services and assistance, for Queensland producers experiencing drought.

The Bureau of Meteorology recently released (13/12/18) it’s seasonal forecast for December 2018 to February 2019 and the likely impact on pasture production in western Queensland. In these…

This is the second in a series of four webinars focusing on Getting the “Inside Edge”  in grazing land management. Queensland (like all of Australia) is subject to…

This is the first in a series of four webinars focusing on Getting the “Inside Edge”  in grazing land management. The Queensland Government’s Long Paddock website has been…

The Weather station review update project built upon the findings of the Weather station review project and conducted a review of automatic weather stations (AWS) that can measure…

The Management strategies and policies to assist north Australian beef enterprises adapt to climate change project aimed to assist the northern beef industry to prepare for climate change…

The Climate savvy grazing project sought to provide greater clarity of the potential risks from climate change, and the best-bet management strategies to adapt to variable and changing…

The Weather station review project investigated a range of weather stations in order to provide recommendations to feedlot operators who may need to collect weather data for feedlot…