Grazing management



When it comes to making stocking rate decisions, when do you do it? At the end of the wet season? Mid-way through the year? To take out the…

Wet season spelling is when grazing pressure is removed from a pasture during the growing period. Ben Bennetto, north Queensland grazier, shares the benefits he has seen to…

We can all recognise properly flogged country … but what are those first signs that indicate pasture is being overgrazed? Dionne Walsh, Rangeland Scientist, formerly from Industry Northern Territory,…

There are numerous grazing strategies that producers can employ on their properties. Intensive rotational grazing is one option that has become more popular in recent years, but there…

The evolution of the Animal Equivalent (AE) system in Australia is progressing to a new approach in comparing animals of different weights, classes and species with a fit-for-purpose…

Background Ian and Penny MacGibbon of Ametdale Station, St Lawrence, joined the Northern Grazing Demonstration Project to help address land condition and productivity issues. Ametdale is a breeding…

Quality Graze is a grazing strategies trial being run on the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade’s Old Man Plains Research Station (OMP), located to the south-west of…

The QGRAZE project was designed to objectively monitor at-risk landscapes using a common methodology over a 30 year period. It was initiated in 1989 across Queensland under the…

FORAGE is an online decision support system that generates and distributes information for rural Lots on Plan greater than one hectare for grazing properties in Queensland. FORAGE provides…

Central Australian Self Herding (CASH) is a five year project being rolled out across the region. It is a collaboration between Bruce Maynard, a passionate farmer and co-developer…