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Spyglass Update – Keeping Roo hopping

Queensland Pasture Resilience Program North Queensland team leader Kendrick ‘Roo’ Cox, has been kept hopping over recent months, showing off pasture trial sites at Spyglass Beef Research Station. More…

Managing grass from space

Are you using the free data available from: FORAGE and MyFORAGE, the Australian Feedbase Monitor, QLD Globe and Australian CliMate? – written by Jo Gangemi, Department of Agriculture…

PIFT to paddock

Under the WA government’s $5.6M Northern Beef Development (NBD) Program, the Producer Innovation Fast Track (PIFT) grants were launched in late 2022. The primary objective was to accelerate…

The perks of pregnancy testing

Have you thought about how pregnancy testing can help improve the productivity and profitability of your business? Charleville-based grazier and veterinarian Jacqui Tickell has been pregnancy testing her…

Project update: Bottle teats at birth to weaning

After identifying bottle teats as a significant potential cause of calf loss in the CalfWatch project, the Northern Territory Livestock Industries team photographed some cows shortly after calving…