What’s new

A tale of two La Niñas

  Generally a La Niña weather pattern in the Pacific Ocean heralds a chance of better than average rainfall over the spring and early summer season for the…

Pasture dieback update — December 2021

After recent good rainfall across large areas of Queensland, graziers need to be to be on the look-out for pasture dieback. How to identify pasture dieback? Dieback causes…

Mitchell grass death with Dr Phelps

In recent weeks there has been a lot of discussion regarding the cause of Mitchell grass death in the Australian rangelands, which prompted an active discussion on Twitter.…

October eBulletin out now!

Are you on our distribution list? You should be! Read it all: October eBulletin The October eBulletin features: $ensible $upplementation webinar recordings If you missed the $ensible $upplementation…

Advancing Beef Leaders update

In 2019, Senior Extension Officer, Alison Larard, with the help of private sector partners, set out to develop a program to assist younger members of the northern beef…