High-output forage systems for meeting beef markets: Phase 1
High-output forage systems for meeting beef markets: Phase 1 investigated increasing profitability of growing and finishing beef cattle in the Fitzroy River catchment through more effective utilisation of high output forage systems, which led to the development of a best-practice management guide ‘Using high quality forages to meet beef markets in the Fitzroy River catchment’ and a spreadsheet calculator, ‘ForageCalc’. Both the guide and the calculator were up-dated and revised with new information obtained in Phase 2 of this project.
For more information, please read the final report summary and download the final report (B.NBP.0496) (PDF, 705.7KB) from Meat & Livestock Australia.
When: 26 March 2009 to 1 November 2010
Contact: Dr Maree Bowen
Collaborator: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries