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The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) Paddock modelling project was part of a joint initiative of the Australian and Queensland governments to improve water quality in the…
The Comparative analyses of rumen microbiomes to mitigate ruminant methane and improve feed utilisation project investigated the variation in rumen microbial populations and the difference between low and…
The Biodiversity condition assessment for grazing lands project aimed to develop and test a biodiversity condition framework to complement the grazing land condition ABCD framework used by the…
The Australian Government Department of Environment (DoE) commissioned the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) to identify key management practices that could be adopted by beef producers…
The Best choice shrub and inter-row species for reducing methane emissions project investigated selecting intensity shrubs and pasture species for their nutritive value and anti-methanogenic bioactivity. To learn…
Parkinsonia is classified as a “Weed of National Significance” due to its invasiveness, potential for spread, and its economic and environmental impacts. It has invaded over 800,000 hectares…
The Archaeaphage therapy to control rumen methanogens project investigated developing a library of phages (bacterial viruses) capable of combating dominant rumen methanogens, to help reduce methane emissions from extensive livestock in…
The Stocktake4Reef e-learning package adapted the Stocktake4Reef workshop into an interactive e-learning package with a view to increasing participation and access. It also integrated other eTechnologies including webinars, apps and…
The Pigeon Hole Project, located in the Victoria River District of the Northern Territory, was initiated to identify strategies to improve the profitability and sustainability of large cattle…
The Phone app for pasture management – overview of development project built on the findings of the preliminary investigation to develop a smart phone grazing land management application…