


Cattle nutrition is a complex subject with a lot of terms, acronyms and numbers that many people don’t fully understand. Find out what the terms on feed labels are referring to.

The leaves, pods and seeds of the leucaena fodder tree all contain the toxic amino acid mimosine, which many rumen bacteria can break down to the toxic compound,…

The Price family have implemented phosphorus supplementation, vaccination, parasite management, control mating and objective bull selection on Greenlake Station, Rossmoya. The Price family purchased Greenlake Station north of…

The ‘Carbon Neutral Grazier Network’ provides the latest tips and information on positioning your business to take advantage of the rapidly evolving world of environmental markets and certification…

Much of northern Australia is phosphorus (P) deficient. In these areas, the benefits of supplementing cattle with P can be significant. The recent P supplementation trial at Victoria…

Supplementation of extensively managed beef breeding herds to overcome mineral deficiencies and improve animal performance is beneficial, but can also be costly. Supplementation decisions should be carefully considered…

Having the correct amount of phosphorus is critical to the health of your herd. The beef team at the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) have come…

Documenting some of the changes made by landholders is a component of the GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience program. The case studies below describe the outcomes of the changed…

The GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience program funds many events across Queensland. Previous events have included business analysis workshops, herd nutrition days, networking and upskilling breakfasts, land restoration showcases…

The GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience program funds many smaller projects, events and professional development opportunities, and technology showcases. Advancing Beef Leaders The Advancing Beef Leaders (ABL) program is…