


Key points Phosphorus deficiency increases cattle mortality rates and decreases growth and breeder efficiency, severely impacting the business performance. Economic analyses for example properties in the Fitzroy NRM…

The Farm Debt Restructure Office (FDRO) was established in 2018 and administers the Farm Business Analysis Assistance program. The Farm Business Analysis Assistance program provides producers access to…

Land types of Queensland are based on a wealth of research and consultation with producers, agency scientists and extension officers: find out who here.

Land types of Queensland: updates; recommended citation; version history; conditions of use, and; contacts for more information.

Multimedia platforms are an effective way to engage your target audience by visually illustrating practices that can be difficult to describe verbally. All FutureBeef multimedia projects are hosted…

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries staff can access a range of tools, templates and guides from the DAF intranet. Useful external, public links to monitoring and evaluation resources…

Blogs are an effective way to engage with your target audience, informing them of updates and allowing them to make comments. They do require a significant amount of…

Water is one of the most important factors of successful livestock production. If water quality is poor livestock drink less. When livestock drink less, they eat less, lose condition and have less milk. These Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, pages cover: water salinity, blue-green algae, contamination, water testing and where to get more information.

This Meat & Livestock Australia factsheet provides information on determining which calves require treatment for scours, how to select and use oral electrolyte solutions for best results and when to consult your veterinarian during a calf scours outbreak.

Introduced pasture species have an important role in the Katherine region as special purpose pastures within a predominantly native pasture grazing system. This Agnote outlines some of the more common uses of these species.