
Nutrition EDGE workshop Biloela

Nutrition EDGE is a three-day workshop and practical session covering all aspects of ruminant nutrition. Participants will be able to make better decisions to achieve their herd performance targets…

Nutrition EDGE workshop Katherine

Nutrition EDGE is a three-day workshop and practical session covering all aspects of ruminant nutrition. Participants will be able to make better decisions to achieve their herd performance targets…

Nutrition EDGE workshop Karratha

Nutrition EDGE is a three-day workshop and practical session covering all aspects of ruminant nutrition. Participants will be able to make better decisions to achieve their herd performance targets…

Herd and pasture masterclass

NQ Dry Tropics and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland invite you to attend a day for graziers that focuses on improving herd efficiency and production in…

Herd and pasture masterclass

NQ Dry Tropics and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland invite you to attend a day for graziers that focuses on improving herd efficiency and production in…

Breeding EDGE workshop Nebo

***Postponed*** Breeding EDGE is a three-day workshop designed to assist producers improve and refine their breeder herd management and genetic improvement plans. Participants will be able to develop…

Nutrition EDGE workshop Quilpie

Nutrition EDGE is a three-day workshop and practical session covering all aspects of animal nutrition, including how nutrition affects growth and fertility rates, financial returns and markets. The…

Biloela Grazing BMP Accelerated Workshop

The Grazing BMP program is a voluntary, industry led process which helps graziers to identify improved practices which can help improve the long term profitability of their enterprise.…