Establishing and managing improved pastures



Pastures for protection & production describes how planting pastures on marginal cropping lands can protect the catchments of the Murray Darling in southern Queensland.

The Use of fertiliser phosphorus for increased productivity of legume-based sown pastures in the Brigalow Belt region – a review project investigated responses by pasture legumes to phosphorus…

The Fertilising for yield and quality in grass pastures and forage crops: Scoping study investigated the feasibility of using strategic applications of nitrogen fertiliser in a range of…

The Demonstrating recovery of pasture productivity: Mulga Lands – Bollon project used four producer demonstration sites on three commercial properties to demonstrate recovery of pasture productivity, through pasture…

The aim of this book is to provide information and knowledge on sown and native pasture systems in a form readily accessible to Mackay Whitsunday region’s graziers and land managers.

Introduced pasture species have an important role in the Katherine region as special purpose pastures within a predominantly native pasture grazing system. This Agnote outlines some of the more common uses of these species.

Pasture establishment covers: cultivar selection, planting material, seed quality, seeding or planting rate, time of sowing, controlling competing vegetation, ground preparation, seed treatment, planting methods, managing new pastures, and what to avoid.

Producer case studies of managing flood damaged buffel pastures from ‘Mellaluka’, ‘Lignum’ and ‘Alinya’ on the Belyando River, Queensland.

Seed production projects aim to develop and improve pasture species for the northern grazing industry.

The ‘Promising pastures’ project investigates recently released or advanced varieties of pasture grasses and legumes for beef finishing and breeding systems in northern Queensland.