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FORAGE is an online decision support system that generates and distributes information for rural Lots on Plan greater than one hectare for grazing properties in Queensland. FORAGE provides…
Central Australian Self Herding (CASH) is a five year project being rolled out across the region. It is a collaboration between Bruce Maynard, a passionate farmer and co-developer…
In this short case study Senior Extension Officer Megan Willis captures how DAF extension worked alongside Goscelyn and Denton Sullivan to create a custom designed recording template to…
NR Maps is a free public web mapping tool that displays Northern Territory natural resource information.
With current restrictions on face-to-face gatherings due to COVID-19, the E-Beef Project has moved online to maintain momentum and engagement during these unprecedented times (as well as for…
The E-Beef online series involves four sessions over four weeks in June (2020), providing landholders, extension staff and industry stakeholders with key insights on new and emerging technologies…
The E-Beef online series involved four sessions over four weeks in June (2020), providing landholders, extension staff and industry stakeholders with key insights on new and emerging technologies…
With current restrictions on face-to-face gatherings due to COVID-19, the E-Beef Project has moved online to maintain momentum and engagement during these unprecedented times (as well as for…
Take the worry out of navigating a pastoral lease The Australian outback is well known for its perilous nature and, people becoming lost on a pastoral lease pose…