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Subscribe now for Bovine Johne’s disease updates

Queensland producers can stay informed about Bovine Johne’s disease (BJD) through Biosecurity Queensland’s online cattle alert. Subscribe to regular email updates at www.biosecurity.qld.gov.au, or follow Biosecurity Queensland on…

Alternative markets explored at NT field day

Marketing options for beef producers in the Northern Territory was the focus of the Hayfield Station Field Day held between Dunmarra and Elliott last week. Understandably, given the…

Beef CRC launches legacy website

The Beef CRC has launched its legacy website. The website is an online archive of research outcomes from the Australian government’s and beef industry’s investment in the Cooperative…

Heifer manual out now

The ‘Heifer management in northern beef herds’ manual is also available from MLA. This publication is free to everyone. This publication is a direct outcome of MLA-funded heifer…

New live export bull selection tool

Beef producers targeting the Live Export market now have another tool at their disposal to assist them in selecting bulls for their production system. The new Live Export…

Weaner manual out now

The ‘Weaner management in northern beef herds’ manual is now available from MLA. This publication is free to everyone. This publication is a compilation of all the research,…

FutureBeef eBulletins

FutureBeef has launched its very own eBulletin service. Sign up on the FutureBeef homepage and your eBulletin will be delivered right into your inbox! The eBulletin will feature…