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The Stocktake and analysis of legume evaluation for tropical pastures in Australia project aimed to collate, analyse and store existing tropical legume evaluation data and knowledge and make…
The Spelling strategies for recovery of pasture condition project aimed to develop reliable and cost-effective spelling options for producers. Reduced condition of pasture and soil, through decline in density…
The Screw-worm fly: chemical containment and eradication of screw-worm incursions in Australia project investigated treatments to combat Old World screw-worm fly. Summary Screwworms are obligate, invasive parasites of…
The $avannaPlan project sought to engage more of the Northern Gulf beef industry in the $avannaPlan program to help beef producers run profitable and sustainable enterprises. Summary $avannaPlan…
The Rhizobia survival and new methods to improve nodulation in tropical legumes project looked at ways to better establish rhizobia for pasture legumes. Summary The Review of productivity…
The Review of the welfare risks and the science that underpins welfare standards of cattle and sheep at slaughter project investigated the science behind current standards and codes…
The Review of productivity decline in sown grass pastures project looked at the use of legumes to improve degraded pastures and made recommendations about targeting research, development and…
The Review of diagnostic technologies for monitoring feedlot animal health project undertook a scoping study of current and emerging technologies and systems capable of remotely identifying shy-feeders and…
The Review of Animal Welfare QA Systems for Livestock Industries in the UK and Europe project investigated existing systems with a view to developing an Australian quality assurance…
The Refining stocking densities project investigated the effects of stocking density on the welfare outcomes of cattle and sheep during sea transport. Summary This research project was undertaken…