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The Recovery of the water cycle on grazing lands – cumulative impacts of changing pasture condition on retention of water, sediment and nutrients on Burdekin hillslopes project looked…
The Re-alimentation of phosphorus deficient cattle project investigated the responses of phosphorus deficient animals to a high phosphorus supplement. Summary Feed intake and liveweight gain are affected by…
The Producer phosphorus manual for the northern cattle industry project developed the manual Phosphorus management of beef cattle in northern Australia (PDF, 2.13MB) which contains both practical and scientific…
The Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) to test and demonstrate establishment techniques and quantify productivity on commercial scale Leucaena in QLD project commenced in 2012 but was terminated early…
The Pain management in castrated beef cattle project investigated welfare outcomes for weaner and mature Bos indicus bulls castrated by tension-banding or surgery. Summary Tension-bander castration is promoted…
The Options for addressing protein under-nutrition in Northern Australian cattle project investigated the issue of under-nutrition in the northern Australian beef cattle industry. Summary This project was established…
The Optimising growth paths of beef cattle in northern Australia for increased profit project aimed to provide cost-effective strategies to increase growth rates and achieve younger, heavier turn-off…
The On-farm algal ponds to provide protein for northern cattle project investigated producing a cheap protein source in the form of microalgae to supplement cattle in northern Australia…
The Northern Grazing Systems projects investigated grazing management in the presence of climate change, exploring issues like stocking rates, grazing distribution, infrastructure development, wet season spelling and the…
The Nitrogen contribution to grazing ecosystems by cyanobacteria project explored the relationship between cyanobacteria and soil nitrogen in grazing lands. For more information please read the final…