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This is part three of the webinar series – Making profitable management decisions after the dry. This webinar recording aims to provide grain growers a ‘first look’ at…
When planning a supplementary feeding program and choosing feeds it is important to know the nutrient composition of those feeds so that nutritional requirements for target animals can…
This is part two of this webinar series – Making profitable management decisions after the dry. This webinar recording aims at providing beef producers a ‘first look’ at…
In this short case study Senior Extension Officer Megan Willis captures how DAF extension worked alongside Goscelyn and Denton Sullivan to create a custom designed recording template to…
NR Maps is a free public web mapping tool that displays Northern Territory natural resource information.
Only three pages in length, this helpful and straight forward document from Cattle Council Australia will help grass-fed beef producers identify which pain relief strategy or strategies are…
Recovering from drought is a challenging period, particularly as many businesses find themselves in a tight financial position. Proactive financial and business planning during this time will ensure your…
With current restrictions on face-to-face gatherings due to COVID-19, the E-Beef Project has moved online to maintain momentum and engagement during these unprecedented times (as well as for…
The E-Beef online series involves four sessions over four weeks in June (2020), providing landholders, extension staff and industry stakeholders with key insights on new and emerging technologies…
The E-Beef online series involved four sessions over four weeks in June (2020), providing landholders, extension staff and industry stakeholders with key insights on new and emerging technologies…