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The GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience program funds many events across Queensland. Previous events have included business analysis workshops, herd nutrition days, networking and upskilling breakfasts, land restoration showcases…
The GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience program funds many smaller projects, events and professional development opportunities, and technology showcases. Advancing Beef Leaders The Advancing Beef Leaders (ABL) program is…
Calf loss and heifer mortality have been major topics of conversation in the north for years, and frankly, people can talk about it until the cows come home.…
Harry and Alys McKeough of Carey Downs Station, in the Upper Gascoyne region of Western Australia, had their suspicions confirmed that their cattle were deficient in phosphorus after…
Providing phosphorus supplementation for your cattle can provide a great benefit to the productivity of your herd. But how much? Tim Schatz, Principal Livestock Research Officer, Industry Northern Territory shares…
Supplementing the diet of your livestock with key missing nutrients can provide a remarkable return on investment. But how do you know you are providing your animals what…
The book contains information about planning for the dry season management including benefits of selling down early in low rainfall years, recovery from drought, how to assess the…
The Northern Territory Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (NT DITT) is collaborating with the University of Queensland (UQ) on a project which has been funded by the…
When planning a supplementary feeding program and choosing feeds it is important to know the nutrient composition of those feeds so that nutritional requirements for target animals can…
In this recording, Tim McGrath (Senior Agribusiness Development Officer, DAF Cairns) takes us on a virtual field day of a commercial demonstration site in north-west Queensland. The main…